My Special Friends (Click the pics to enlarge)Since the fall of 2000, I've met some very special people. Here, listed in the order I met them, are my very special friends who have helped me so much to understand my own feelings. To each of them, I am forever grateful. *Thanks*
Suzie Petersen
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
My thanks go out to Suzie, who was the first person I got up enough nerve to communicate with about crossdressing and being transgendered. Her kind words and helpfulness really let me know that I was not alone in this world. *Thanks Suzie, HUGS*
Suzie, you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Pamela Ann Sweet
Michigan, USAThe sweetest girl in Michigan! I sometimes call her MOM, like when she gives me action for wearing my mini skirts to the mall*Giggle* Pamela Ann is one of my dearest friends in the whole world:-)
Thanks Pamela Ann, for all your support, guidance and being there for me*HUGS* I hope to, someday soon, give you this hug in person:-)
Then Silkblue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Then Silkblue is the first person I met in TG Chat who is so close to home! Yes, right here in Winnipeg! Although we met online in 2000, it wasn't until early 2002 that we finaly got to meet in person, when she and Diane Knox joined the girls of Masquerade during an outing at Gio's.
Diane Knox
Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaDiane is a fun girl from BC who visits Winnipeg regularly. I met Diane in TG Chat in 2000, and finaly in February 2002, got to meet her in person, with Then Silkblue, when they joined the girls of Masquerade during an outing at Gio's.
Cynthia Cousens
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Cynthia has finaly fullfilled her dream and has transitioned to life as the "girl of her dreams"*S*. I met Cynthia in the "Pink Room" at TG Chat. I am greatful to her for speaking with me about these gender issues. She has helped me a great deal to understand there are very real reasons why I've had these feelings all my life:-)*Thanks Cynthia- HUGS*
Dianna Peters
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Dianna truley is a "Lady With Class". My special thanks to Dianna for the many late evening, wee morning hour, conversations last winter (2000-2001) at TG Chat, when, after so many years, I was really just getting to know myself.
Foot Lover (nickname)
Boston, Massachusetts, USAI am forever grateful to Foot Lover, who is very much a gentleman, for taking time out of his busy schedule when he was visiting Winnipeg to spend an evening with me. He really helped me overcome my fears of being out in "real" public. *Thanks for dinner and the movie*
Shandi Strong
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Shandi is a wonderful girl from Winnipeg whom I met July 2001. She is a member of the support group "Masquerade". Shandi welcomed me with open arms, and helped me re-define "going out" by intruducing me to the girls of Masquerade, and TG-Friendly places in Winnipeg:-) (Which by the way, I have found out is EVERYWHERE!)
Like a typical "girl", she couldn't decide which picture to send me for this page, so she sent both her favorites. I couldn't decide either, so I used both too:-)
Mary & SabrinaMary (GG)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaI have Mary to thank for my extremely high comfort level about being out in public anywhere! It was because of her tremendous support and encouragement, and giving me the oportunity to work at her store, Lady Godiva Boutique, during her spring sale in June 2002, and then at the Everything To Do With Sex Show in October 2002, that put all my fears about being "Out in public" to bed once and for all. Thanks Mary! I owe you Big Time! *HUGS*
Cathy Anderson
Southern Alberta, Canada
Cathy is a wonderful and fun girlfriend who lives in southern Alberta, Canada. She is a lot of fun to chat with on MSN!-)
Dana Ann
Spokane, Washington, USA
I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Dana, a Masquerade member who at the time lived in Fargo, Nort Dakota.
Dana, I wish you and your wife all the happiness
Nikki Pryce
Regina, Saskatchewan, CanadaThrough Shandi, I met Nikki in February 2002 during one of my many trips to Regina. Nikki, a "sexy redhead", is a fun girl to spend time with, and is a member of the support group Illusions Saskatchewan. It was a blast getting together with her, and visiting the club in Regina.
Thank you Nikki for your wonderful hospitality, and the words of encouragement, that I can "go anywhere"! *HUGS*
Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaJacilynn joined Masquerade in the spring of 2002, and since then has been my "co-worker" when we have helped Mary of Lady Godiva Boutique during her spring sale, and with her booth at The Everything To Do With Sex Show at Assiniboine Downs:-)
Ottawa, Ontario, CanadaThere must be something special about a particular date in April, that gets me DATES!! When Dave, from Ottawa, wrote to say he would be visiting Winnipeg and wished to get together, I couldn't resist. It was a very pleasant evening, complete with a tour of Winnipeg, and dinner at The Fat Angel Bistro! Thanks Dave*S*
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
A special Winnipeg sister who just happens to look fantastic in a short skirt :-) Krystal first wrote to me in the fall of 2002, reaching out into the world, very much in the same way I did when I wrote to Suzie in the fall of 2000, and started on her wonderful journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
Since July of 2001, I have made many wonderful friends at the Winnipeg Social Club "Masquerade". Please visit the group's web site, Masquerade, to read all about the group and all the fun we have together! Plus, there are lots of pictures too!
Meet Davina, a wonderful and classy girl from the UK!
E-mail me at
Member of the Winnipeg support group - "Masquerade"